
Grape Cookies (and hey, I’m back!)

Hey guys! Summer is almost over and I have blogged nothing. Nothing. I’m sorry for neglecting my little blog. The reasons why I basically peace’d out are numerous. Adjusting to work has been difficult (as I mentioned in my last post from July). The weather here…

Happy Opening Day!

It’s opening day for the Brewers today! And the Badgers are playing in the championship game against Duke tonight! BIG DAY for Wisconsin sports. I don’t have a recipe to share today, but here are some cute treats I made. I hope you’re all having…

Tetris Cookies

My favorite video game of all time is Tetris. It’s simple, addicting, and oddly soothing. My love of the game was intensified when the tetriminos were colorized. Each tetrimino has a color and I stayed true to that with these cookies. I’m not overly thrilled…

Lollipop Cupcakes

This is kind of a weird post because there’s no real or interesting recipe to present. It’s just a decorating idea. I found these rainbow lollipops waaaaaay in the back of my cupboard. I don’t even remember buying them (a true sign that I have…

Ron Swanson Cupcakes

I am *so* sad that Parks and Rec has begun its LAST season. It’s one of my favorite TV shows. I love every single character (which is rare to experience with a TV show, amiright?!), but I really love Ron Swanson. My ideal man would…