
Nutella Cocoa Krispie Treats

These are the kinds of treats that you might find yourself consuming nearly an entire pan of…near midnight… while stressed out in school… not like I would know or anything. But I’m just sayin’. It could happen.   

Butterbeer Rice Krispie Treats

Gather ’round, Harry Potter lovers! Butterbeer rice krispie treats. Oh yes. OHHHH yes. I won’t ramble on except to say that butterscotch and browned butter are involved in these treats. Come on now.. you know you NEED to try them!  

Cookies ‘n’ Cream Rice Krispie Treats

This week is going to be nothin’ but rice krispie treats – of all varieties. I think the original rice krispie treat is one of the best creations – simple, delicious, and easy to make. The recipes featured this week will be rice krispie treats…

Lemon White Chocolate Bars

Happy April, everyone! April is the month of springtime, Easter (usually), and my mom’s birthday. My mom’s birthday is in mid-April, but when I was home over spring break last month I made these bars for her — because there are few things my mom…

Lucky Charms Bars

St. Patrick’s Day is a week from today! If you want an EASY treat to make for school or the office, give these a try. They’re just a different version of the classic Rice Krispie treat – but made with Lucky Charms instead of Rice…