
Peanut Butter + Rolo Cookies

These cookies are a nice twist on the classic peanut butter blossom cookie — you know, the peanut butter cookie with the Hershey Kiss on top. The peanut butter blossom is a holiday staple and one of my favorites — but oh my, the addition…

Cake Batter (+ Oreo!) Cookies

These cookies are pretty much identical to these, except for the addition of Oreos (which, come on, Oreos make everything better). I made these a few weeks ago and took them to school — nearly all disappeared within hours! Give them a try :) Cake…

Butterscotch Pudding Cookies

Mmmmm butterscotch. Butterscotch is amazing, right? The butterscotch dilly bars are the best. Those little butterscotch disk candies are addicting. And let’s be real, I could (and do) eat butterscotch morsels right out of the bag. These cookies were great because they were soft (thanks,…

Chocolate-Covered Potato Chip Cookies

Potato chips are a big deal in my family, as we used to own and operate a potato chip factory. I’ve been surrounded by chips since I came out of the womb. While the factory has been closed for twenty plus years, I still love…

Donut Cookies

Deep sigh. School starts up again today. I am beginning my third (and last!!) year of law school this afternoon. As a result, my coffee consumption is going to exponentially increase — and I think we will all be eating our stress feelings a bit…